What happened after a weeklong retreat with dr. Joe Dispenza

In June 2023 I was - by a hit of good luck - able to attend a weeklong retreat with dr. Joe Dispenza in Cancun, Mexico. Grateful, excited and with lots of expectations (even though I tried to keep them as low as possible;) I went on that adventure. But was it worth the money and time?

YES! For me it was really worth the money and time. I know it is kind of pricy, but I decided to go anyway. I signed up and a few weeks later I magically manifested exactly the amount I needed for the retreat, the accommodation, the flight and some extra cash, adding up to a total of 5.000 Euro. That was an awesome start of an awesome retreat.

What changed after the retreat?

To be away from my regular life and to be fully able to dive into the material with dr. Joe and doing LOADS of meditations, changed the way I looked at life. I have always been a person that loves life, but it has expanded on so many levels. The first few months I felt a lot of gratitude and my heart was often exploding with love. Now, about 4 months later, those feelings still pop up out of nowhere. And the beautiful part is that the people around me are slowing changing with me, there is more happiness and the feeling of fulfilment within my family. The other thing I noticed is that I became more focused, while staying very relaxed at the same time. My health has improved and my determination to live a healthier life comes without any struggle. I have been trying to live healthy all my life and it comes with so much ease now.

So yes, for me this was worth it. After the retreat I still meditate every day and I am also very grateful to have found amazing new friends at the retreat. And I agree with what Joe always says: you really need to do the work every day, and by doing just that I feel more whole and fulfilled every day.

All areas of my life have improved and are still improving as time goes by. Abundance is flowing into my life and I am just a happy person, more now than ever before.

I learned not to think in lack, because lack means I am are searching in the known. When the magic is found in the unknown. So I remind myself if I am looking for something, it means I am separated from it and I am not allowing it to manifest. The easiest way to allow everything good to come into you life is to focus on joy, excitement and love and to trust in the unknown. And be willing to keep self correcting and finding your way back whenever you feel like you are of course — because finding your way back IS GREATNESS.

I would like to end this short blog with a sentence dr. Joe kept repeating throughout the whole retreat:

—> “WHEN IT'S THE HARDEST IT MATTERS THE MOST” meaning; if you feel like you cannot do a meditation because of any of the many reasons we can muster up - continue with the meditation, don't quit! Many times the meditations that you are struggling with give you the best results. You teach your body that you are in control and it slowly changes everything.

💚 A recap of Joe's words for inspiration 💚

When we think a thought, the networks of neurons
(that fire at that moment in your brain) create electrical charges.

Feelings create magnetic charges.

The magnetic charges created by our feelings merge together with the electric charges created by our thoughts to produce an electromagnetic field. Meaning that this electromagnetic field you are sending out is equal to your state of being.

The only way we can change our lives is to change our energy, or in other words to change the electromagnetic field that we are constantly broadcasting. In other words we need to change how we think and feel.

What you put attention on and mentally rehearse (over and over again) —> not only becomes who you are from a biological perspective —> it also determines your future.

It is not the gene that creates disease, but
it's the environment that programs our genes that creates disease

Every one of our cells ( except red blood cells) makes proteins
* muscle cells make actin and myosin
* skin cells make collagen and elastin
* immune cells make antibodies
* thyroid cells make thyroxine
* bone-marrow cells make hemoglobin
* some eye cells make keratin
* pancreatic cells make enzymes like protease, lipase and amylase

Stress makes our stress hormone levels, like cortisol, go up. And in doing so it lowers our levels of a protein marker called IgA (immunoglobulin). Which compromises and down-regulates the immune systems.

The quantum or unified field is an invisible field of energy and information that exists beyond space and time.

Everything in our known universe is made up of or emits either light and information or energy and consciousness.

The visible light spectrum (the colors we perceive in this world we live in) make up less than 1 percent of all the frequencies of light that exist.



(In yoga often referred to as chakra's, but Joe prefers to call them energy centers - because they are just that ;)

Each energy center can be viewed as an individual center of information.
They each have their own individual glands, their own unique hormones, their own chemistry and their own individual plexus of nerves (mini brains).

And if each one of those centers has its own individual brain <-> they each also have its own individual mind.

The second energy center has been called the second brain —> because of the hundreds of millions of neurons and neural connections (more than exists in either the spinal cord or in the peripheral nervous system).
AND the feel good hormone called serotonin is found for 95% in your bowels and not in your brain!

The sixth energy center is a sacred gland (the pineal gland), also known as the third eye.
It secretes hormones like serotonin and melatonin. And it can produce chemical derivatives of melatonin that change your view of reality. It allows us to travel through time in meditations.

The seventh energy center includes the pituitary gland (hypofyse). This is the master gland. It is where our divinity - our highest level of consciousness originates.
When this gland is in balance we are in harmony with all things.

The eight energy center
, KA, is located 40 cm above the head. It is our connection to the cosmos.
When this center is activated you feel worthy to receive. It also opens us up for all sorts of downloads.

Dr. Joe Dispenza's book - Becoming supernatural


How to change your body's stress levels


The Lion's Gate Portal