Blog archive
Having watched Tony Robbins' documentary “I am not your guru” many years ago, I have always been intrigued by this man, but not enough to engage into one of his courses or seminars. Until he offered a free online seminar in February 2024 . This free seminar was a brilliant move, because it got me hooked, inspired and eager to learn more.
What does it mean when you keep seeing the same numbers, such as 1111 or 555 or 888? Follow me into the magical world of signs and synchronicities and let's take a closer look at the most common combination of numbers you may be seeing.
Does the fog or mist scare you? Maybe this super short blog will help you see it differently….
Today, as I was driving through a thick layer of mist I felt like driving towards an unknown destiny. The world as we know it simply did not exist. I couldn’t see the path ahead, nor the path behind me. As if the past and the future did not exist
Do you often feel stressed? Well… you a not alone. Most of the people are very stressed every day. It is almost a new normal, but it's not! Stress is the worst state of being for your health. So it is time to start working on reducing your stress levels, right?
How a weeklong retreat with dr. Joe Dispenza changed my life.
Have you ever heard of the Lion's Gate Portal? It opens every year around August 8th. Let's explore what this is all about!
Are you interested in learning about Tarot? Then this is the article for you. It covers basic information of the traditional Tarot deck and the basic meaning of the cards.
Are you feeling a bit low on energy or self esteem? Or do you feel stuck or depressed or simply not fit? Fasting will do wonders for your mood and overall health.