Why do you keep seeing the same numbers?
What does it mean when you keep seeing the same numbers, such as 1111 or 555. And you see them in different places and in different ways. Like for example at night on your alarm clock and then on the road on a licence plate, or on a receipt at the supermarket or in a phone number or any other random place. Since you are reading this, you already guessed that this is not a coincidence! these are actual signs and synchronicities sent to you to help you on your way. seeing triple, quadruple or even more of the same numbers always means that you are being supported and guided. But what else are your guides trying to tell you?
Follow me into the magical world of signs and synchronicities and let's take a closer look at the most common combination of numbers you may be seeing.
Have you been seeing lots of number 1's? Like double 11, triple 111, quadruple 1111 or even quintuple 11111?
This is all about new beginnings and new adventures. The universe is cheering you on and letting you know that are on the right path. Keep going and trust that you are moving in the right direction. The more numbers you see, the louder the cheer is. If you feel any doubts bubbling up about this path you are on or about a new project or idea you have, this sign is letting you know that you are supported and that you can achieve anything that feels right for you.
Have you been seeing lots of number 2's? Like double 22, triple 222, quadruple 2222 or even quintuple 22222?
Number two stands for balance and harmony. Understanding duality, balance female and male energy, successful co-operation with other people, union, merging. It can also mean you are about to meet your twin flame or you and your twin flame or soulmate are becoming more balanced in your existing relationship. Trust in the universe, it has heard your calling and it is working with you to reach your goals. The more numbers you see, the closer you are getting.
Have you been seeing lots of number 3's? Like double 33, triple 333, quadruple 3333 or even quintuple 33333?
Number 3 is the master number. Seeing three's means spiritual awakening and personal achievements. You are being guided on your path to personal growth and spiritual enlightenment. It represents a period of transformation, creativity and happiness. You can master anything you wish in life. It is also a sign that encourages you to fully enjoy your life and to notice all the little things that make you happy. Embrace your awesomeness.
Have you been seeing lots of number 4's? Like double 44, triple 444, quadruple 4444 or even quintuple 44444?
Great news! Repeatedly seeing number four indicates that a period of stability has entered or will soon be entering your life. You may have encountered chaos, or been through some hard times recently or maybe you even went through a dark night of the soul. When you are seeing this sign, you can rest assured that stability is on its way. Now is a time to rest and replenish and to regain your strength and self confidence. You are slowly but very steadily believing more in your own capabilities.
Have you been seeing lots of number 5's? Like double 55, triple 555, quadruple 5555 or even quintuple 55555?
Get ready because CHANGE IS COMING! Seeing this number signifies that really big changes are about to happen in your life.
Do not be afraid of change. It is needed for growth and for new doors to open.
Have you been seeing lots of number 6's? Like double 66, triple 666, quadruple 6666 or even quintuple 66666?
Six is a beautiful number. Triple 6 is often linked to 'the Devil’ but it could not be further from the truth! Six is connected to Venusian energy and is all about LOVE! Seeing this number means that your spirit team wants to let you know that are deeply loved and appreciated. They stand behind you and want you to know that you are never alone. It also indicates that love is coming your way in the 3d world. Allow yourself to be loved as much as you love others, you are worth it.
Love is all around you.
Have you been seeing lots of number 7's? Like double 77, triple 777, quadruple 7777 or even quintuple 77777?
Whooohoooo… your life is about to change. Seeing this number means that luck is on your side. No more worries about anything, because you will be successful in all your endeavours. Good luck is surrounding you and through you it is also surrounding your loved ones.
It could be a sign that now is a good time to take some risks. And sometimes this could even be a sign that you can win the lottery. But good luck does not always mean there will be financial gain, it can also mean good luck in work, health or love. Or maybe in all of these things. Lucky you!
Have you been seeing lots of number 8's? Like double 88, triple 888, quadruple 8888 or even quintuple 88888?
A - bun - dance!!! Start dancing and shake that cute bun of yours, because it is time to celebrate. The number 8 is strongly associated with financial prosperity. This could come to you in many different ways, and often ways you do not expect. This number means abundance in the best possible way. You may be feeling more whole in the coming period and you are now ready to allow the great things into your life you have been dreaming of. Like financial stability, harmonious love relationships, a peaceful mind. Just remember not become impatient, because the universe will have its own divine timing. You may need a period of deep spiritual growth before the abundance will appear.
Have you been seeing lots of number 9's? Like double 99, triple 999, quadruple 9999 or even quintuple 99999?
If you have been seeing this repeating sequence of numbers you are ending a cycle. This could be a karmic cycle. Closure to anything that does not serve you anymore. It could be about your career, a relationship or a period of hardship. Remain open-minded and open-hearted and trust that this ending is for the best. New doors will be opening for you.
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As I was finishing this blog, I opened my phone to read a book of one of my most favorite writers of this moment (Dolores Cannon). And I was surprised by the numbers I noticed on the top of my screen. Now that is what I call a sign!!